My name is Arasely Guerra. I am a mom to 3 beautiful children, a wife to my amazing and supportive best friend and husband, and the owner of Herbal Bones Apothecary LLC. I am currently breastfeeding my youngest and homeschooling my 2 older children. All my children were breastfed and cloth diapered, I wore them all in my woven carriers and co-slept with each of them, and believe me, it was the biggest learning experience of my life so far! My children, their births, and their struggles have been a monumental inspiration in my journey with natural plant medicines. I grew up camping in the mountains of Idaho with my grandparents, hiking among the pine trees, swimming in the lakes and rivers, and playing in the forests, but I really, truly found my way onto the herbal path through motherhood. Motherhood has had such a profound effect on me, and I consider it such a blessing and a sacred part of who I am. I know now, this was always meant to be my path.
As a self-proclaimed “herb nerd,” I enjoy adding to my vast library of books about herbs by some of my favorite herbalists, and I always love talking about herbs and answering questions. I am always striving to not only help inform others about herbs but to constantly be learning and expanding my own knowledge. I enroll in herbal courses and classes regularly, and, although there is no formal certification process for becoming an herbalist, I aspire to eventually become a Registered Herbalist through the American Herbalists Guild. I am always amazed and humbled by the vast amount of knowledge there is to learn and experience with herbs, and even after all these years, I am still always so excited and in awe of just how beautifully these plants work to help support our needs. I am passionate about growing and evolving as an herbalist and providing great herbal products and services through my business. You can normally find me at local vendor markets most weekends, announced via my social media pages, at a table full of herbal teas, tinctures, and salves.
Herbalism is not just a hobby for me. After a lifetime of feeling belittled, ignored, failed, gaslit, and traumatized by the medical system, the study and practice of herbalism became my solace, my healing, and my revolution. Personally, herbalism is a reclamation of my power, my freedom, and my voice. Through using plant medicine, I have managed to treat every illness, bump, scratch, and ache my children have had without the need for any allopathic medications. I do recognize that the allopathic medical system has its benefits and can be life-saving when needed, but I prefer to use it only as needed as a last resort. I love that my children love the taste of nettle tea and know to ask for chamomile tea when their tummy hurts or they just feel upset, they run into the kitchen when they smell me making elderberry syrup, excited to get a taste. My children gave me something bigger than myself to fight for, and nature is constantly giving me the knowledge, tools, and inspiration to continue on this herbal path. At Herbal Bones Apothecary, I always say, herbal knowledge is in our bones because I truly believe we all have this knowledge and connection with nature and its ability to support us, we are a part of nature, but in a world that often leaves us exhausted, disconnected and looking to others for our well-being, we could all benefit from rediscovering the magic of plant medicine!
Herbal Bones Apothecary looks forward to helping you and your family with all your Herbal needs!
I am passionate about working with herbs and natural, organic products because I truly believe it makes a difference and I have personally seen the amazing effects they can have. Ever since becoming a mother, I have been dedicated to trying to live as holistically and naturally as possible in order to minimize the amount of possibly harmful chemicals and toxins my family is exposed to. I am happy and blessed to say my family is extremely healthy, thriving, and happy and I wish the same on you and yours always!
All products are made using all-natural, organic, and wildcrafted herbs and ingredients intended to help inspire you, your mind, and your body to heal. I am excited to share my products with you and I hope you enjoy them as much as my family has. I hope to provide you with a great shopping experience and remain available to assist at any time. If you have questions, comments, or concerns about your order or the content found within this website, please feel free to contact me via email and I will get back to you right away. Again, thanks for visiting the store and I look forward to serving you in the future.